26 Rock Rose

26 Rock Rose, Helianthemum nummularium

Guiding principle:
FEAR - Terrified, panic

About this herb:
Scientific name: Helianthemum nummularium
Description: Rock rose has radiant 5-petaled flowers that only blossom for a day. The leaves are hairy and fleecy underneath. It prefers dry, rocky and limestone-rich soils. It blooms between the end of May and October.

The aims of this flower essence:
The means of panic. Internally, one reacts in panic and one is overrun by feelings of terror.

Dr. Bach wrote:
The rescue remedy. The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified or if the condition is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy. Other remedies in addition may also be required, as, for example, if there is unconsciousness, which is a deep, sleepy state, Clematis; if there is torture, Agrimony, and so on. (The 12 Healers and other remedies, 1936)

Rock Rose Rock Rose

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